Vaginal Rejuvenation


CO2RE Intima, in-office, non-surgical treatment that uses laser energy to treat the symptoms women may be experiencing. CO2RE Intima is a medical laser that delivers controlled CO2 energy to the vaginal or vulva tissue – so cells make more collagen – improving skin tone, texture and appearance.

What conditions does CO2RE Intima treat?

In the gynecology specialty, CO2RE performs laser incision, excision, ablation and/or vaporization of soft tissue, for treatment of condylomas, vulvar dystrophies, and benign lesions of external genitalia. It is used for treating the introitus and improving the appearance of the external genitalia, to reduce dyschromia and for remodeling of connective vaginal tissue.

I have read about other vaginal treatments; why is CO2RE Intima better or different?

CO2RE Intima is a module of the CO2RE device which treats all three areas of a women’s intimate needs (external, internal and introitus) and with sterile, single-use hand pieces, thereby assuring women of the results and hygiene they expect for treatments to their most intimate area. Additionally, CO2RE Intima utilizes a CO2 laser. CO2 lasers have been proven to remodel tissue with neoformation of collagen and elastic fibers in atrophic skin.5 CO2 technology also provides physicians with the ability to treat both superficial and deep skin layers simultaneously and with the precision control they need over the intensity, pattern and depth of ablation, which is very important for treatments to this intimate area.

Is the procedure safe? Are there risks to laser treatment, especially in the vaginal area?

The CO2RE device has FDA clearance for a range of gynecological and genitourinary indications. CO2RE Intima offers solutions for a range of intimate aesthetic procedures. Treatments are safe and effective with mild to no discomfort, and with little downtime.

How many treatments does it take?

Patients receive three in-office treatments that are spaced ~3 weeks apart.

When will patients see results?

Most CO2RE Intima patients feel and see improvement after the very first treatment, although the procedure calls for three treatments.

How long does treatment last?

After the third treatment, patients should expect to come back annually for a maintenance treatment.


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