About Facelift




"You often hear that 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40, unfortunately external factors such as gravity and sun exposure continue to negatively effect our appearance."


One of the most common requests Dr. Lopez hears is "for the outward appearance to reflect the more youthful energy a person feels inside." Many patients want to correct the sagging neck skin and hanging jowls. They desire a smoother contour and tightening of the jowl and neck area. A facelift is what will in most cases achieve the desired result.

A facelift (rhytidectomy) can affect one's appearance as dramatically as any facial cosmetic surgery. Rhytidectomy is a safe, effective procedure performed to restore a more youthful appearance and less fatigued look without compromising function. Many women and men in today's competitive corporate workplace are increasingly seeking facelift procedures to restore a younger look that more typifies their energy level.

When patients come to see Dr. Lopez seeking facial plastic surgery, it's not uncommon for the patient to focus on a single aspect of their appearance rather than the overall picture. One of the most common concerns from patients seeking facelifts is the "turkey wattle," the loose skin dangling under the chin. Many times patients will request just a "neck lift." While an isolated necklift may be appropriate for a male with a midline excision in the neck, females are poor candidates for this type of procedure. In order to address the neck in women, a facelift needs to be performed.

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Midface Lift

As we age, the cheeks tend to give in to the effects of gravity and fall lower on our face. Patients tend to complain that they have a tired or unhappy appearance even when they feel fine. Proper positioning of the cheeks is an essential component to rejuvenating a face. Dr. Lopez will often combine a midface lift with a browlift and/or a facelift to provide a harmonious rejuvenation to the face.

When patients come to see Dr. Lopez seeking facial plastic surgery, it's not uncommon for the patient to focus on a single aspect of their appearance rather than the overall picture. One of the most common concerns they hear from patients seeking facial rejuvenation is that they appear older than they feel. A balanced rejuvenation is an important aspect to providing a natural look that appears non-operated.


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